binanceThe next 2 weeks at TORJ.

TORJ official
Mar 26, 2021


Below we present a list of officially confirmed events.

➖Sunday 28 March : recording of explainational video

➖Monday 29 March : publishing 1st episode „Noisy Chains”

➖Tuesday 29 March : publishing Explanational Video

➖Soon burn of reserved tokens

➖Listing at coingecko and CMC

➖Logo presentation (1st model session)

➖14th April: 2nd Episode of Noisy Chains (with special guest)

➖April 25: (Second model session)

We also started looking for CEX exchange to launch pair TORJ/USDT or TORJ/BTC.

For now check the teaser of “Noisy Chains” episode 1.

